Availability, Prices & Booking
You can check availability, prices and make a booking via Airbnb or Booking.com through the links below. Please note, that for the same dates, they can give different prices, depending on what service charges they choose to apply.
Click on these links to book now:
Cancellation Policy:
Please refer to the cancellation policy on our Airbnb or Booking.com listing. We strongly recommend that you consider taking out holiday insurance.
We take bookings for a minimum 3-night stay, all year round, with a discount for stays of 7 days or more.
Arrival & Departure times:
The Boathouse will be all yours from 3pm the day you arrive. At the end of your stay we ask that you leave by 10am.
Please Note:
The Boathouse sleeps two. It's unsuitable for babies, children or pets. Sorry, no smoking inside. Not suitable for wheelchair access - there are a number of steps up to the entrance.